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Readiness for Online Learning Quiz ANSWER KEY

Having face-to-face interaction with my instructors and fellow students is:
a) Very important to me. Score 1 point. If you know you learn best in a face-to-face setting, then online courses may not be the best match for your learning style. Online courses are designed to be self-directed and self-paced, with mostly electronic communications between students and instructors.
b) Somewhat important to me. Score 2 points. A traditional classroom might be a better match for your learning style, since much of the communications between students and iUniversity Prep instructors takes place electronically rather than face-to-face.
c) Not particularly important to me. Score 3 points. You will probably feel comfortable in an online course, where communications between students and the instructor happen mostly via email, chat, discussions boards, etc.

I would classify myself as someone who:
a) Has good organizational skills and often completes assignments ahead of time. Score 3 points. Excellent! You will need to be organized and able to effectively manage your time in order to be a successful online learner.
b) Has average organizational skills and sometimes misses assignments or delays work. Score 2 points. You will want to improve your organizational skills, as it will be 100% your responsibility to keep up with the online assignments and exams.
c) Has poor organizational skills and tends to fall behind on assignments. Score 1 point. Our online courses have a rigorous pace, so you will need to be organized to successfully manage your time in keeping up with the assignments.

On average, I am a motivated and self-directed learner:
a) Always Score 3 points. Bravo! Our most successful students have strong self-discipline and strive for high academic achievement.
b) Sometimes Score 2 points. It is essential to remain self-motivated and self-directed in order to be successful in our program. If you need teachers constantly nudging you to log in and do your work, then you are probably not a good match for iUniversity Prep’s online independent study program.
c) Rarely - I usually need someone to show me what needs to be done Score 1 point. “Independent study” is designed for students who can work independently. While the iUniversity Prep staff is on campus each day to help provide assistance, successful students must be independent, self-directed learners who are motivated to succeed.

My writing skills are:
a) Above Average: I use a draft or outline form before writing a final draft. Score 3 points. Terrific! Online learning requires effective written communication skills, as well as the ability to produce essay-style responses for assignments and assessments.
b) Average: I use two or three drafts to correct spelling, grammar and mechanics errors. Score 2 points. The written assignments for iUniversity Prep courses may take you longer to complete, but you can still be successful if you keep working to improve your writing skills.
c) Below Average: I usually turn in my first draft without reviewing my work. Score 1 point. Students who are satisfied with doing the minimum to complete written assignments are probably not Good candidates for iUniversity Prep rigorous academic program.

My reading skills are:
a) Excellent: I understand most of what I read and can summarize the main ideas. Score 3 points. It is essential to be reading at or near grade level in order to understand the course content and to be able to follow the directions for assignments and assessments.
b) Average: I sometimes need help understanding what I have read. Score 2 points. It may take you a bit longer to complete the assignments for iUniversity Prep courses, but you can still be successful if you keep working to improve your reading skills.
c) Below Average: I often have difficulty understanding written material clearly. Score 1 point. Online learning involves a LOT of reading, mostly via the computer. Solid grade-level reading skills are essential for success in the iUniversity Prep program.

When I encounter a problem during class, or with my homework:
a) I review the directions, check my work, and try to work through the problem myself. Score 2 points. It is good to try your best to work things out on your own, but you also must be willing to contact your instructor whenever you need help.
b) I do not hesitate to ask my instructor for help. Score 3 points. Successful online students feel comfortable and confident in asking questions and contacting their instructors for assistance.
c) I skip the problem and move on. Score 1 point. Willingness to ask questions, especially asking for help when needed, is a significant success factor in an online independent study program. If your instructor does not hear from you, he/she has no way of knowing that you do not understand the material.

If I need to travel to a iUniversity Prep facility to take proctored exams or to get assistance:
a) I have transportation readily available to get to campus. Score 3 points. While most of the iUniversity Prep curriculum is provided online, students must report to campus for science labs, proctored exams, Binder Days, tutoring and other scheduled activities.
b) I may have difficulty getting to campus. Score 1 point. There are times when iUniversity Prep students must report to a campus, so having transportation is a necessity.
c) I can probably get to campus if I make arrangements ahead of time. Score 2 points. Students are advised ahead of time about activities for which they must to campus, so transportation may be scheduled in advance.

When it comes to effectively managing my time:
a) I usually put things off until the last minute. Score 1 point. Online students often discover that they run out of time to earn a satisfactory grade if they let themselves fall behind during the course.
b) I usually complete most of the day’s to-do list. Score 2 points. iUniversity Prep students are most successful when they set aside 4 to 5 hours per day for coursework and keep up with all assignments when they are due.
c) I usually accomplish everything I set out to do in a day. Score 3 points. Excellent! Being able to efficiently manage your time will help to ensure your success in the iUniversity Prep program.

Which statement best describes your Internet/computer skills?
a) I have solid keyboarding skills and feel confident using email, web browsers, search engines and word-processing software. Score 3 points. Super! You will be using these tools in almost every course you take.
b) I have average keyboarding skills and a working knowledge of how to use email, web browsers, search engines and word-processing software. Score 2 points. Good! You should do just fine in mastering the technology tools needed for each course.
c) I am a beginning keyboarder and am fairly new at using email, web browsers, search engines, and word-processing software. Score 1 point. These tools are essential to completing the online courses, so you will want to strengthen these skills in order to be successful.

I can schedule ____ hours per weekday for my online classes.
a) 7 to 10 Score 2 points. You will probably not need to spend this many hours each day, although it is nice to have some extra time available for any assignments and assessments that may take longer than expected.
b) 4 to 6 Score 3 points. Most successful iUniversity Prep students devote at least 4 hours per day to their online courses. You may find that you spend less time on your easier subjects and more time on the more difficult courses. You may even choose to continue working on weekends if you should ever fall behind and need to catch up, or of you simply wish to accelerate in the course.
c) 1 to 3 Score 1 point. Most successful iUniversity Prep students devote at least 4 hours per day to their online courses. For most students, 3 hours or less per day would simply not be enough time to effectively cover the course content and provide a quality job on the assignments.

To help determine whether the iUniversity Prep online independent study program is a good match to your personal learning styles, skills and preferences, please compare your total score above with the scale below:

20 points or higher – Online learning may be a good match for you.

15 to 18 points – Online learning may work for you, but you may need to make a few adjustments in your schedule and study habits to succeed.
Less than 15 points – Online learning may not be the best match to your personal learning styles, skills and preferences. You could still be successful if you are willing to make a significant commitment to becoming self-motivated, self-directed, well-organized and driven towards high academic achievement.

Please remember to record your “Readiness for Online Learning” quiz score when prompted to do so on the iUniversity Prep Online Admissions Application.

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